Android -SYH tablet firmware –Stock Rom Android -SYH tablet firmware –Stock Rom

SYH G830A41B04C05,10084 次下,击下载
SYH A8003A41B04C03,1072 次下载,击下载
SYH A8003A41B05C01,1088 次下,击下载
SYH A8002A41B03C15,100 次下,击下载
SYH A8003A41B03C15,1888 次下,击下载
SYH A8003A41B03C08,10012 次下,击下载
SYH S1,1118 次下,击下载
SYH A8002A31B12C24,1008 次下,击下载
SYH G810A31B12C13,10086 次下,击下载
SYH A8003A31B12C13,10088 次下,击下载
SYH C810A41B02C28,1098 次下,击下载
SYH W1000,,10025 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH W9000,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G760,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G3,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH C810+8G,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH C810+4G,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH A8002,,,1008 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH A8002 by mrkosu .zip  1.07G  direct1 or user   or cloud
contain syh 8002 4.04(phoenix usb pro+key+pdfguide)  545.6mb  downhere or cloud
syh A8002 4.22 (phoenix usb pro+key+pdfguide)  545.6mb downhere or cloud
SYH A8001+,,,1008 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH 540.73M
SYH G6,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH A8001,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G810,,,1008 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G5,,,1008 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G710 /8G,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G710 (8G).rar 564.35M
SYH G720,,,1009 downloads,,,DownLoad  or  user    or cloud SYH 361.3 MB  a13  cpu
Contain 9¦t/ syh.9-6_20130423_131917.img file  
SYH G770,,,1008 downloads,,,DownLoad  pac  ,spreadtrum cpu, sc6820   or cloud
SYH G770 pac by mrkosu.rar 137.93M contain SYH_2G0720130325_20130329.pac  down here  or cloud
SYH G750/8G Brush Platform,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G750/8G,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad
SYH G780,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad   or user or cloud
SYH G780 by  514.25M  contain image  86VESYH-9_20130425_132531.img  may be a 13
SYH A9002,,,100 downloads,,,DownLoad SYH A9002 zip 484.02M user  orcloud
SYH G800 4G,,,1005 downloads,,,DownLoad 478.59M,,2013-9-9 mtk 6575(击下载)
G800 4G MT6575 by mrkosu .zip 478.59M   down here or cloud
If your syh is spreadtrum ,click here to see for  firmware upgrade guide
If your syh is MTK,click here to see for  firmware upgrade guide
If your syh is rockchip ,click here to see for  firmware upgrade guide
If your syh is a13,a10, click here to see for  firmware upgrade guide
credit : su su tun


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